Product brochures

Containing extensive information on our diverse range of products, our product brochures are well worth a read. We have dedicated brochures for sensors and transformers for various applications.


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Verification - PTB - Manuals

Instrument Transformers for revenue metering in Germany need a “declaration of conformity” according to the national verification act. One precondition for this declaration is a “type-examination-certificate”.

For new type-examination-certificate (2015 and later), a manual is allocated to the transformer type.

These manuals can be downloaded here. Since this is a specific German aspect (national verification act), these documents are available in German language only.

PTB - Manuals

Manual Ring Core Current Transformer for low voltage applications
[PDF, 29.7 KB]
PTB Publication
[PDF, 18.4 KB]
Manual Metal-Clad VT
[PDF, 23.8 KB]
Manual Medium-Voltage Transformer
[PDF, 23.5 KB]
Manual Block VT
[PDF, 24 KB]