We take care

For Zelisko, responsibility isn’t just about delivering high-quality products and providing reliable support for them throughout their life cycles. Taking responsibility also means having a positive impact on the local community in Mödling and engaging in social projects.

Zelisko has been supporting people and charities in the local area for many years. While in the past this mostly took the form of direct financial donations, corporate volunteering now plays an increasingly important role. We have supported and completed over 40 voluntary projects since we first started in 2015. These include helping to renovate a women’s refuge in the municipality of Mödling, renovating a local supermarket that provides affordable food for people on low incomes, and building a play area on a children’s farm. Our apprentice workshop also provides training courses for refugees to help them get off to a good start in their new life.

The Knorr-Bremse Group has been engaged in social causes worldwide for many years. Our social commitment rests on two pillars: Local Care and Global Care. Local Care covers all local activities at our sites, while the non-profit organization Knorr-Bremse Global Care supports longer-term and more extensive aid projects worldwide.