Hidden out of sight, current and voltage transformers and sensors installed in a wide range of high-, medium- and low-voltage equipment provide essential data for the supply and transmission of electrical energy.
Zelisko instrument transformers are available in a wide range of designs for indoor and outdoor applications. For over 60 years, these high-precision, maintenance-free instrument transformers have been successfully deployed around the world in all kinds of weather conditions. Zelisko is playing a role in the energy transition by supplying current and voltage sensors for automated transformer substations in medium-voltage smart grids.
Zelisko products combine know-how built up over many decades with innovative engineering and product development, as illustrated by its highly automated epoxy-resin casting process for medium-voltage grid insulation. The company also supplies bespoke products for special applications. And it goes without saying that short, reliable lead times are standard.
2340 Mödling
Österreich - Austria